-Katherine May, Wintering
This past month was really full but of more non-studio related things. I knew, when making my annual plan, that June would be a light month and so I took a little pressure off and zoned into family, friends, rest and relation (at least a bit!) We enjoyed a trip to north Georgia where we hung out with my niece and nephew, and John’s sister Sarah. I helped my brother and his husband move to the same town that we live in (dreams come true!) and I just had a dear, dear friend visit for 5 days. In the midst of that were lots of walks in the river, time with local friends, lunch out with my Mom, cocktails, summer nights in the garden, and several trips to local gardens to fill my inspiration cup.
You know what this month has taught me? … Again, because we have to relearn these things in new and different ways each time. I relearned that my body was telling me something. When we are stuck, when we fall off, when we don’t feel like doing anything, when we want to hang out with friends more than make work or we just feel aimless (in whatever we do – be it motherhood, your job, your art, your family, caring for an aging parent or spouse, etc.)
Sometimes we feel like we can’t take a break. But I encourage you all to think outside of the box and make a plan because when we’ve taken a break, usually we come back stronger, lighter, more inspired, happier, or simply better for our people and ourselves. I get kind of annoyed that we live in a world that is so fast paced that we struggle to slow down enough to really listen to our bodies.
I love summer on my Instagram because everyone is out – at the ocean, the pool, on a trip, seeing family, laughing, getting a little vitamin D, just “resetting” and I think as a culture the act of resetting in this manor is profoundly import. I wish you all sweet summer nights, clarity of mind, and fields lit by fireflies.
xoxo Sarah