September was full, of good things, of sad things and a few of those in-between things (from left to right, top to bottom):
The Brandywine saw historic flooding, demolishing many friends’ and neighbors’ homes. It’s been a sad time of rebuilding.
I set up my show SUMMER GARDEN at UPTOWN! in West Chester, PA.
Lots of donuts.
Field of Dreams Collection went live with the largest cyanotype I have ever created!
Kittens! Playing with kittens! (Mark and Nic got two kittens and they are very cute!)
A special wedding certificate for a special couple!
Longwood Gardens for a day of rest with Mark and Nic.
My talk at UPTOWN! about my work.
Pretty morning at ChesLen.
Finished a collection of minis for a special holiday box with several fabulous local makers! Stay tuned for the holiday notice!
A fabulous Clover Market in Collingswood, NJ.
Launched my 3rd Skillshare class on Framing!
Set up a new bunch of work at worKS in Kennett Square!