J. Rafferty
Hello! My first blog post. Ah.
In creating this webpage/online store I have had things swirling around in my head for weeks, well, it’s been years to be honest. Ideas come at me like missiles in the car while driving (I really need to get one of those car-list things!) Life feels super-charged in all the best ways at this moment. I always thought writing this entry would be weird, but it feels like the right time.
Really though…I need to write those ideas down. I can’t remember even one of them right now.
I’m Sarah and I am super excited to be here, in the land of the internet, introducing you to my process and art. Ever since I was little I have been excited about and intrigued by art, nature, and how the two mix together in this thing I call life. I drew, painted, photographed, organized, and collected all of my childhood. I was a young curator of my belongings then and have just become more and more of one as I get older. I worked in a small shop for most/all of my formative years and I just love owning things that are beautiful and meaningful. I find it to be one of the most rewarding parts of my life. I studied art in college, went on to teach and then ventured to get my MFA. I could never really imagine myself as solely a gallery artist, although I tried it out a few times. I knew I wanted to continue creating but I also really liked teaching and sharing my knowledge. At some point in the past few years I began to narrow down my interests and my cyanotypes kept popping up – over and over! I just had to give in to that voice telling me that this was it.
So here I am.
atwater designs is a labor of love and years of thinking, wondering and toying with ideas. I am delighted to be here. Stay tuned for weekly posts about art, business and things I’ve been listening to/reading that I think are worth sharing.
xoxo Sarah